All in all... i cant say much anymore about RO stuff... all the alumni can do is watch and comment... this program has made us into a family... and like a good family member should do... we choose to support them no matter what happens.... we'll just be happy that our students learned all they can from us and evolved from it... they put their heart into it... made what was once our styles into their own unique one...and we are just gonna be proud of what they attempted... i know i am... this day was just what i needed for this shitty week ive been having...
Placings for Galileo:
3rd Drill Platoon
3rd Girls Drill Team
??? Silent Drill Team/Flag Team
(right click and select view image for better quality on all pics)
The Battlefield for many years...

Galileo's Drum Corps instruments....

Yep... save RO...

ah mui aka little sis and me

Yvonne's BLING ring... wedding soon haha...

of course i would notice a tenorikuma bag at a fuckin drill competition... lol

Gal Alumni... Reign Supreme!

Galileo's current battalion...

Ricky's hoodie... Galileo Silent Drill Team... not STD fools

Guidon in the wind...

Galileo Lions JROTC pride for life...

The old passion....

G House Lions...

blurry but michael's fuckin 4 slices of pizza turned into one haha...

Round Table X-Large Ulti-Meat pizza

Jeff's Small King Arthur pizza

My favorite painting... Van Gough's Starry Nights... try to see wut it means...

sidenote for what's in my head:
perhaps i should have restricted my words last night.... its not easy for me to hold things in, and you know that... my heart is open, and my mind and mouth soon follows... i never want to drag you down with the emotions that i have in my head... but in order to feel like you can understand me... you have to know what's on my mind... just listening is enough satisfaction and will cheer me up...
also, yea.. i do beat myself up alot.. only because i probably wish i could do more to fix a bad situation or that a bad situation happened because of a mistake i made myself... i like to think things throughly... perhaps even when i really shouldnt... but i am NOT a person that can keep pushing aside drama and hoping to let time fix shit and deal with it later... why not just confront it head on... but i digress... its just not easy for everyone to do that... and every person has their own thoughts and approaches towards things...
i just hate it when a good thing goes bad... due to my own mistakes... =\ *sigh...